Recruitment & Executive Search.
Connecting Excellence in Cybersecurity.
Connecting security professionals with the most exciting jobs in the industry.
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About Us
SecuBridge is your specialized Cybersecurity Recruitment Partner in the DACH region. We place security professionals and executives from all technological areas as well as in consulting and sales. Our focus is not just to find highly in demand candidates, but rather to successfully connect professionals and employers for the long term.

Expertise in Cybersecurity Recruiting
“Consistent market focus, well-structured processes, value-based work and building lasting relationships – these are the key factors to give true value to both candidates and clients.”
Johannes Steltner, Founder and CEO, SecuBridge
Learn moreJohannes Steltner, Founder & CEO, SecuBridge
Upon completing his degree in Political Science, Johannes worked as a HR Consultant in Northern Germany. In 2014, he moved to London in order to pursue a career in niche technology recruitment at a world leading IT recruitment firm.
Since 2015, he has specialized in the cybersecurity industry. During this time, Johannes established and managed the recruitment division for Information and Cybersecurity at a multi-award-winning recruitment agency in both their London and Munich offices. The main focus of the role was to place security positions across all technologies as well as Governance, Risk Management & Compliance (GRC) within the DACH market, while building relationships with thought leaders, decision makers and high caliber professionals.
Aiming to create a true go-to agency for the security industry, the Rostocker founded SecuBridge Consulting in Berlin.
“What motivates me in recruitment is the networking and the satisfaction that comes with perfect matches between candidates and clients”

Grgur Rados, Principal Recruitment Consultant
Nachdem es fast mit einer Karriere als Profi-Fußballspieler geklappt hätte, absolvierte Grgur eine kaufmännische Ausbildung und erbeitete mehrere Jahre in der Personaldienstleistungsbranche
Der Einstieg in die spezialisierte IT Personalberatung erfolgte 2018, als Grgur im Team IT Security DACH bei einer internationalen Agenur in München startete. Dort erwarb er schnell umfassendes Branchen-Know-How und wurde durch sein hohes Engagement und seine ausgeprägte Kunden- & Kandidatenorientierung zu einem der erfolgreichsten Berater.
Bei SecuBride betreut Grgur unsere Suchmandate in den Bereichen Technik und Consulting, einschl. Presales, Systems Engineering, Architektur sowie SIEM/ SOC.
Seine Freizeit verbringt der passionierte Fußballer weiterhin gerne mit Kicken.

Exciting new technologies, more responsibility, a salary increase or a better work-life balance – there are many good reasons for a career change. We help you to reach your goal.
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You have a critical vacancy to fill or your business needs to reach its growth targets? We are your Cybersecurity Recruitment Partner and help you to find and hire your new employee.
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